William Edwards School



At William Edwards our practice is inclusive and adaptive. All pupils are entitled to quality first teaching that gives them full access to the curriculum and all other opportunities and activities offered by the school. Where it is necessary to make reasonable adjustments we will do so.


  • to identify and provide appropriate support for pupils who have special educational needs using the assess, plan, do, review model (graduated approach);
  • to have a person centred approach which puts the child and family at the heart of decision making;
  • to work within the guidance provided by the SEND Code of Practice 2015;
  • to provide a SENCo who will manage and develop the provision for SEND pupils;
  • to provide support and advice for all staff working with pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities.


 Ms A Wood

View Documents:

The SEND information report can be accessed from the link below. An audio version is also available through the ‘loom’ linked presentation below.

SEND Information Report Sept 2024

SEND Policy 2024-2025

Audio Version Loom Link

South West Essex Community Education Trust

A multi-academy trust passionate about providing the best start in life for our pupils. We are united in the belief that every young person needs and deserves an education that will maximise their future life chances. We place our pupils' needs at the heart of everything we do and support our colleagues in delivering high quality education.

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